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The intruder who commandeered the storm talisman is suspected of releasing a plague.
Attempts to negotiate with the intruder have failed, as has the use of force. Evacuation has been thwarted by the storm itself. Until we understand this affliction we are requesting that people remain in their homes and keep away from public areas.
-Nin Urunna
About the Note[]
This is a light-tan note written in Sudran, saying that the person who held the Breach Attractor is linked to the release of the Pathogen on Sudra. Though the first impulse is to blame this on Athetos, in-game events in Axiom Verge 2 imply this was Ophelia. The lack of a pronoun here hints that this wasn't Athetos, or rather didn't have to be.
This is Note 10.
This Note is located in Zi under the boss foyer. Drill the roof blocks above the Yellow Tube Worm.