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With the help of Malka I have been going through the Sagigas' own records, trying to find anything of note about the technology they used. It's difficult work, made harder by the fact that they intentionally destroyed a lot of their own accounts, ostensibly to keep anyone else from reproducing their work. So my understanding is fragmented, but there is one point that seems to keep coming up.

They reference the multiple worlds as being the fruit of a tree. I initially took this to be purely figurative. But they often mention parts of the structure - such as the spadix, or a'ansur - as if they are locations one can visit. I haven't seen mention of parts like the "roots" or "leaves" in this context, but it makes me wonder how far the metaphor carries.


About the Note[]

This is a white paper note written by someone named Unyime, noting on the Sagigas' technology and the relationship between A'ansur and Kiengir.

This is Note 26.


Note 26

It is found in Sector 33,14 in The Glacier.

