Axiom Verge Wiki


"It lurks silent within pipes (and, occasionally, in areas that look completely harmless) and jumps out when you approach."[1]

The Prongfish[1][2][3] (aka Tunnel Hopper[4]) is a red winged creature with a segmented tail, pincers for a mouth and prongs on the end of it's tail. It hops/flies back and forth in a fixed arc between two tubes on the floor or ceiling. Before Trace gets close, it is hiding in a tube and not visible (but can usually be hit with a weapon). Only its head and the tip of its tail can be damaged.

Corrupted Form[]

When corrupted, it takes on the behavior and characteristics of the Yorchug, floating slowly and firing a blue beam.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Enemy Creature: Prongfish, Tom Happ's blog.
  2. The Art of Axiom Verge, page 11.
  3. "The Bestiary" poster. Limited Run Games.
  4. Fan name. We originally dubbed them like that (when no other name was available).