Axiom Verge Wiki
Indra and lamassu

Indra encountering the Lamassu.

The Lamassu is a godly machine in Axiom Verge 2, designed to protect against interlopers. It supposedly can change its form, taking the common form of a Sumerian Lamassu to make itself easier for the inhabitants of Kiengir to connect to.[1] The people of Kiengir revered it as a god and lord, obeying its will and looking up to its wisdom and guidance. They listened to its every word and command, obeying it blindly. It is based of the Lamassu in ancient Mesopotamia that guarded palaces.

Lamassu terminal

A terminal.

It is first encountered in the Giguna Steppes, near what was presumably an edubba in the past. After this encounter, Indra discovers several terminals in which the Lamassu's consciousness stretches. It is able to watch and communicate with Indra through them, found in Irikar, Uhrum Valley, Anunna Gorge, and other parts of the Giguna Steppes.

Yet, these terminals look like those strange columns you could find in Mar-Uru (Axiom Verge 1) in various spots.




  1. "This form is a facade designed to make me more familiar to those who once lived here." Lamassu, Cutscene 0037