Axiom Verge Wiki


"It lurks silent within pipes (and, occasionally, in areas that look completely harmless) and jumps out when you approach."[1]

The Hookfish[2] (aka Ancient Tunnel Hopper[3]) is a golden metallic creature with six bars/whiskers protruding from the back of it's body, a segmented tail, a hooked protrusion at the front of it's body and hooks on the end of it's tail. It hops/flies back and forth in a fixed arc between two tubes on the floor or ceiling. Before Trace gets close, it is hiding in a tube and not visible (but can usually be hit with a weapon). Only its head and the tip of its tail can be damaged.

Corrupted Form[]

When corrupted, it takes on the behavior and characteristics of the Yorchug, floating slowly and firing a blue beam.



  1. Enemy Creature: Prongfish, Tom Happ's blog.
  2. The Art of Axiom Verge, page 25.
  3. Fan name. We originally dubbed them like that (when no other name was available).