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Loyal Wielders are already immolating themselves with storm bombs in the faithful belief that it serves the greater good, assured that their very existence poses too great a risk in any but the most dire of circumstances. And the Siuna, hailed once as a triumphant way to free ourselves from our unkind and bipartite method of waging war - uplifting Arms to warriors themselves and not mere tools to be later discarded - are being locked away in A'ansur.

I for one am not eager to die any sooner than I must. People of Kiengir, I implore you, question this so-called wisdom. Trust your own minds, not that of a machine.

Mageshgetil, Wielder, on behalf of Amashilama

About the Note[]

This is a clay tablet written by Mageshgetil, showing Amashilama's hatred towards what has been done to the Siuna and how the Arms have been treated.

This is Note 29.


Note 29

It is found in Sector 37,20 in Anunna Gorge, at the very top of the room.
